I'm sorry that I've been gone so long! Sooooooooooooooooooo much has happened since last I posted! I wish I could backdate and pretend that I was actually a timely, responsible blogger, but no such luck, so for those of you who have been living under a rock, let's talk about some of the biggest, most hopeful and incredible things that have been going on in the world (and in my world). These are out of order for a very good reason, but don't cheat and scroll to the bottom just yet!
The Second Amazing Thing - May 16, 2008The California Supreme Court overturned a ban on Gay Marriage! Why shouldn't people who love each other be able to get married? Who cares if they are the same sex? Doesn't the world need more love and a lot less of the hate that causes people to ban gay marriage in the first place? (I guess my post is a little timely, since official gay marriages can start June 17th - actually, I'm early!)
State's Top Court Strikes Down Marriage Ban.Now unfortunately, conservatives in California have
already gotten a measure to overturn the overturning (basically, to "re-ban" gay marriage) on the November ballot.
Click here for that story.This, in spite of the fact that polls have shown that Californian's approve of actually letting two grown people who love each other get married. In his decision, Chief Justice Ronald George, God Bless Him, compared not letting gays and lesbians get married to the laws that used to exist that didn't allow blacks and whites to get married. Seems silly now, doesn't it, but there are a lot of people who wouldn't have been allowed a loving, committed relationship with all the legal perks and rights that married people have if those laws had been allowed to stand, and it's the same thing here and now.
The Third Amazing Thing - June 4, 2008
Barack Obama has secured the nomination of the Democratic Party for President? Wow!! I somehow thought this madness between he and Hillary was just going to go on forever. (I kid you not) I had actually stopped paying attention.

Of course, Time Magazine had already predicted this back in May, which I do have to say, I thought was a little hasty, but I didn't read the article, either, which I'm sure would have illuminated their reasons. I can't say I didn't get a little internal leap of joy when I saw the cover, though. :)
Of course, good news for me is not good news for everyone, and the media is already predicting that Clinton supporters might vote for McCain rather than support Obama. What the hell has Obama done to them that they would abandon the values that made them vote Democratic in the first place and vote for someone who represents a party that has led us into the mess that we are in now?
One thing I have to say for Obama: this is just the beginning of his fight. He's not stupid. I'm sure he knows it. We've all got a lot of hopes riding on him. I was lucky enough to see one of my favorite musical groups, Les Nubians, perform recently, and they mentioned (they are from France) that the whole world is watching the U.S. to see the result of this. Around the World, Much Is Expected of Barack Obama
A lot of people, including me, are hoping that the fact that Obama grew up in this country with brown skin, will allow him to be more open to working with people of color around the world to end their oppression and more sympathetic to issues involving communities and countries that are made up of what has been for too long in the U.S. been considered the "other." I really hope at least, that he works to get us out of the deep and saddening hole that the Bush Administration has taken every opportunity to dig even deeper.
Now, the moment we have all been waiting for:
The First Amazing Thing - February 20, 2008
Drum Roll, Please....

I passed the test! Thus the change from Library Lady to Chic Mama.
Nuff said. You'll be hearing plenty about it later!
Just know that we are overjoyed and I am loving being pregnant,
especially now that it's the second trimester and I'm not tired all the time!