It's so surreal. I don't know if I thought it could really happen. I know that I truly believe that he is the best man for the job (and have thought he would be very presidential since he spoke at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago in 2005.) I am even more impressed with him because his speech was powerful, yet subdued. He is very aware of the challenges, the huge challenges that face him and all of us in this country. And I respect him for that so much more than for a "rah-rah lets celebrate" speech, because this campaign and presidency has to be about fixing this country - because there are people here who so, so desperately need it, and who truly are putting their hope in this man and what he represents.
With the losses that my people have sustained, with the faith that I have continuously lost in this country since becoming an adult and seeing again and again that my values -- looking out for the underdog and the downtrodden, fighting for true justice and brotherhood -- seemed and were secondary in this country to fighting wars, subjugating and conquering people and expanding empire and possessions -- it is so amazing to me that there is space in my country for the idealism that I had buried deep in my heart and expected never to see reflected in my political leaders again. Especially never in a leader that looks like me.
I am so proud that my newborn daughter has the blessing to be born into the world that I feel that we may be approaching and possibly building. And I am proud for the first time in a long, long time to be a citizen of the United States as well as a Citizen of the World. I am ready for change, and looking to see what I can do to contribute to it and keep this joyous loving momentum going.