Slumdog won Best Picture! Yes! I just saw it last week. It was wonderful and amazing. How sweet that the kids from the movie got to come up on stage. They were so cute in their tuxedos.
Strange to me that the same 5 or 6 pictures dominated the categories.

I'm so glad that Hugh Jackman didn't try to be too much of a comedian. I like that he did a couple of song and dance numbers. That's a strength that we forget he has -- we're all too busy drooling over his face and body!
Wait a minute. Ricardo Montalban died? When? How did I miss this?
Bad form by the producers of the show - to cut to Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt when Jennifer Aniston was on stage presenting. Leave those people alone! They've gotten over it - can you?
Kate Winslet won for The Reader, thus proving her theory from the show Extras, when she said (in character, of course) that she wanted to do a Holocaust movie because then you are practically guaranteed an Oscar. If you haven't ever seen the show Extras, you have to. Her episode is one of the funniest. She's hilarious in it! See 3:20 and 4:20.
Of course I have to mention some of the dresses! Blue and black seemed to be the combination of the night, with a little grey and silver thrown in. Done well by Queen Latifah, who looked like a lovely package with the black sash draped across the front of the dress (and she sounded great - I keep forgetting she can sing). This was not the dress she walked the red carpet in, which I did not like. Reese Witherspoon had a similar look, but it looked like a messy imitation. Marion Cotillard also wore blue and black, but it wasn't close to the beauty of her dress from last year. Frieda Pinto also had a blue dress that I couldn't make my mind up about. I didn't really like the one arm thing, but it didn't elicit as gut-wrenching a reaction as the dress she wore to the Golden Globes, which I didn't think flattered her at all and looked more like a bridesmaids dress. But I've already said that.

I can't find pics of all the dresses. It's too soon after the awards. Sorry.
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