When I was a kid, I had the coolest Fisher Price toys! Remember the telephone with the moving eyes? Or the FP house with working "doorbell"? How about the FP farm, complete with cow, sheep and horse with plastic mane and tail that looked like thin licorice? I almost forgot - I also had the FP school, complete with swing set -- this was back when kids were still allowed to have recess.
I've seen the new FP people and they are cute and chunky, but I liked my choking hazard FP people - the kid with the baseball cap, and the teacher who put you in mind of what Mrs. Brady would probably look like if she was a Fisher Price person (and had a bun on top of her head). Besides, I probably wouldn't buy them for my kid until she was about 2 so she should know better than to try to eat them. Who am I kidding? I'd buy them and just play with them myself until she was ready to use them.
I mentioned the wonders of FP to my husband, who had no idea what I was talking about -- come on. Your parents didn't even get you the rolling, popping vacuum cleaner type thingy? What's up?
Even if you didn't have them at home, pediatrician's offices across the country kept kids in line with those toys in the waiting area. I know they are probably a playground for germs in public places, but it's better than the same stale video of Beauty and the Beast that I see every time I go to Kaiser.
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