Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Childrearing: All Joy and No Fun?

This article tells the truth , and is more an indictment of the lives we lead, our idealism about parenting, and the lack of support and amount of pressure parents get in modern American society. I really feel like I'm dammed no matter what I do: I'm just a bad momma (and not in a good way).

I'm posting this at the risk of sounding ungrateful for my sweet little girl (22 months old), who when I apologized to her for being generally cranky and hard to get along with this afternoon, looked pensive and then gave me a much needed hug and kiss, like "I forgive you, Mommy". It really is moments like that which make the tantrums (hers and mine - not kidding), guilt, anxiety, and lack of freedom worth it. Actually, my tantrums aren't really worth it so much as a side effect of frustration, but oh, that's for another day.

Plus, my girl is a great teacher in the art of slowing down -- if only I had the time to learn...

All Joy and No Fun
New York Magazine, July 4, 2010
Accessed August 17, 2010

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