Thursday, June 25, 2009

I found out about it at work today. One of my co-workers popped out of her cubicle and said "Michael Jackson died." All of us turned to look at her with shock and disbelief. I jumped online, and there it was.

I came home, turned on MTV and danced with my little girl to Michael Jackson songs for a half hour. I didn't want to watch all the news reports and the play by play as they took his body away. I just wanted to dance and remember. Yes, there were definitely times when we wondered just what you were thinking, Michael, but we always, always loved you.

"We're sending out a major love, and this is our message to you. The planets are lining up, we're bringing brighter days. They're all in line, waiting for you. You're just another part of me."


Boy. We might need to start calling June the cruelest month. David Carradine died earlier this month, then Ed MacMahon, now Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson on the same day.

I was probably 6 or 7 when Charlie's Angels first came on the air. I even had the dolls. I always wanted to "be" Kelly when playing, 'cause everyone else always wanted to be Jill (Farrah Fawcett's character). Plus, I'm about the furthest thing from blonde you can find.

It's amazing to hear that she was 62. That's the age my mother would have been if she hadn't died of cancer at the age of 48. God Bless. I guess we just think that those people that we grew up idolizing aren't ever supposed to get sick or old or die. It makes me feel old. It makes me feel very, very sad.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day

To my husband on his first Father's Day. The best daddy for my little girl, no doubt.

Yes. This is early. Better early than late. I'm still a relatively new mommy, and I need my sleep.

Your Tax Dollars At Work...

I saw this a couple of months ago at my husband's old high school. Doesn't give you a lot of hope for the school system when the administration either can't spell correctly themselves, doesn't catch the error before the sign goes up, or doesn't care to fix the spelling on a sign that goes in front of a place of learning. It's the name of the city! I mean, come on!