Thursday, November 25, 2010

What a Turkey!

I'm on Food Network's website trying to figure out how to cook the turkey, since this is the first year that I haven't bought a pre-cooked one, and God forbid I give my family salmonella (shudder). I found a recipe, but what really caught my attention was a comment on the recipe. One person wrote in that the name of the recipe: "Whole Thanksgiving Turkey with Miles Standish Stuffing and Gravy recipe" was incorrect. Here's his comment:

"Since this is for Thanksgiving, a holiday our family enjoys very much, two clarifications: 1.MYLES, for Myles Standish, Pilgrim, Plimouth Plantation , not Miles, 2. I doubt very much that any Pilgrim knew what pepperoni and mozzarella cheese were, let alone dijon mustard and Marsalla wine.
The recipe sounds worthy of a try otherwise."

Incidentally, that's the way I've always seen it spelled as well, but we know the early settlers weren't always sticklers for spelling. But what I had to look twice at was the response to his comment:
"First, a note to Kenneth from Virgina: most likely Miles Standish is the name of Alex's [the chef] father, so she must know how he spelled his name. Second, i can't wait to make this on Thanksgiving - I love all of Alex's recipes, and she makes everything look lovingly easy and delish!"
Um. Wow, honey. Bless your heart, but first, Kenneth is from Virginia, not Virgina, and Myles Standish isn't the chef's father. If you had been reading his post, you would have realized that Myles Standish was a Pilgrim. On the Mayflower. You know, that little boat that came over here bringing settlers from England back in 1620. If you had actually been paying attention in History class in elementary school, you would have known that. Maybe it's my New England bias, but don't the kids out here learn about the pilgrims too? I just don't know what made the last person who commented thing that Myles Standish was Alex Guarnaschelli's father -- besides the obvious similarities in their names. ;)

Sorry, but I couldn't let that one go by without saying something about it!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

So I left a little note for those in my building...

...and they let me know that they got the message.