Thursday, December 25, 2008

Santa, Baby...

Eartha Kitt, best known for the song "Santa Baby," passed away today - Christmas Day, 2008.

Her version of "Santa Baby" makes Madonna's sound like a horrible, juvenile parody of Kitt's original. Kitt was also a much better Catwoman than Halle Berry (I can say that even though I haven't seen Kitt as Catwoman, because I have seen Halle Berry as Catwoman -- ohhh, that's mean.)

Other Pop Divas (and Pop Divos) will recognize Kitt as the older lady who seduced Eddie Murphy in Boomerang. I can still her her coo "Maaaarcus!"

I don't really know much else about her, but I have always admired her, because she seemed to be bold, fearless, and oh, so sexy - unapologetically so, even as an older woman. As my Grandmother would say, "Aww, get it, girl!

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