Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bad News...

Just heard. CA Supreme Court will uphold gay marriage ban, but will allow the marriages of the 18,000 same-sex couples who wed before the ban took effect to stand. I wish the court would get a backbone - especially the justice who wrote the decision to allow gay marriage. He doesn't have to worry about being voted out of office, so why the switch in opinion now? Especially when the vote to ban same-sex marriage failed by a very close 52-48, and the Proposition was so confusing that I had to keep reminding myself that to vote "no" on Prop. 8 was to uphold same-sex marriage as opposed to getting rid of it. I have to believe that other people in favor of gay rights might have made that mistake and not realized it until it was too late.

I am very disappointed and ashamed of California. My home state has legalized gay marriage, but CA, which is supposed to be so progressive, and had a chance to prove it - failed.

States that allow gay marriage:

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