Monday, August 16, 2010

Pyrex Love!

OMG! I was fiddling around on the internet jumping from blog to blog wasting time as I am wont to do, and found this photo of my mom's Pyrex dish on the Lorenz Studio blog. I have no idea how I got there. 

Actually and anyway, it's not really my mom's Pyrex dish, but she had a set of Pyrex bowls that I wish I had rescued when she died. My only hope is that my sister might have them, but I"m sure my father's new wife wouldn't want any reminders of my mom around (It's bad enough my sisters and I exist -- oh! don't I sound like I have "evil stepmother" syndrome? That's so bad. I'm like a walking, talking stereotype).

I found a dish just like this, same color, etc. with lid, at a store that was going out of business and probably paid too much for it ($11, I think), but it reminded me of my mother, so it was worth it. However, now, I'm afraid to use it because I'm afraid I'm going to break it, and I don't know what will actually fit in this tiny little dish -- you'd have to have a very small amount of leftovers to use this. I'll have to wait until I get a real kitchen with a nice display shelf and keep it up there, far from my the hands of my little explorer.

Anyway, I'm shocked to find out that I am not the only Pyrex lover out there. Here's a blog devoted to collecting Pyrex pieces: Pyrex Love
That might explain why on my one flea market expedition, I found my beloved Pyrex bowls, but the vendor was selling the set of three for $60. I only had a $20, because I figured I was going to a FLEA MARKET, so why should I bring a lot of money? I offered her the $20 for one of the bowls (I even offered to take the smallest), but she wouldn't break up the set. I thought that was rather uncharitable of her, since that was all the money I had on my person. I wonder what they were really worth. 

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